Union Bank in Morrisville VT Mortgage Interest Rate and Cost Review

Is Union Bank in Morrisville VT a cheap or expensive mortgage lender? To help you shop for a mortgage, we compare the interest rates and closing costs charged by Union Bank in Morrisville VT to those of other lenders for a comparable set of borrowers. Here is our review of Union Bank in Morrisville VT nationally:

Review ItemUnion Bank in Morrisville VT
Interest Ratesimilar to other lenders (+0.00%)
Loan Related Closing Costssimilar to other lenders (+$32)
National Rate and Closing Cost Star Rating(3.5)

On average, Union Bank in Morrisville VT’s interest rates were similar to those of other lenders (+0.00%). Its loan related closing costs were also similar to those of other lenders, with a difference of +$32. We maintain our independence by not accepting any money from the mortgage lenders we review. To visit Union Bank in Morrisville VT, check out its website at: https://www.ublocal.com.

Union Bank in Morrisville VT’s Rate Review by City

Mortgage lenders often set different rates in different geographical markets. For our list of the top mortgage lenders by city, click here. In particular, among the cities we track Union Bank in Morrisville VT was most active in:

  1. Burlington, VT
  2. Berlin, NH
  3. Lincoln, NH
  4. Manchester, NH
  5. Portland, ME

In addition, Union Bank in Morrisville VT is our top ranked/best mortgage lender in terms of interest rate and closing costs in:

  1. Burlington, VT, for FHA, and VA mortgages
  2. Berlin, NH, for FHA, and VA mortgages
  3. Lincoln, NH, for FHA mortgages

Union Bank in Morrisville VT’s Rate Review by Mortgage Type

Mortgage lenders also tend to charge different interest rates and closing costs depending on the type of mortgage. In our data, Union Bank in Morrisville VT originated Conforming, FHA, Jumbo, USDA and VA mortgages for new home purchases. It also originated Conforming, FHA and VA mortgages for refinances. Its average interest rate and total loan related closing cost difference relative to other lenders for comparable borrowers by mortgages type is as follows.

New Purchase MortgagesConformingFHAJumboUSDAVA
Interest Rate Difference+0.07%-0.17%+0.06%-0.06%-0.10%
Loan Related Closing Cost Difference+$131-$95+$180+$2+$11
Cost Adjusted Rate Difference+0.07%-0.17%+0.06%-0.06%-0.09%
National Star Rating(3)(4.5)(3)(4)(4)
Refinance MortgagesConformingFHAVA
Interest Rate Difference-0.06%-0.01%+0.00%
Loan Related Closing Cost Difference-$163-$41-$41
Cost Adjusted Rate Difference-0.08%-0.02%-0.00%
Average Star Rating(4)(3.5)(3.5)

As a summary, Union Bank in Morrisville VT is cheap for FHA, USDA and VA purchase mortgages. It is more expensive than other lenders for Conforming and Jumbo purchase mortgages. For refinancing mortgages, Union Bank in Morrisville VT is cheap for Conforming mortgage refinance. It is similar to other lenders for FHA and VA mortgage refinance. Nevertheless, individual circumstances can matter a lot for mortgage rates, and we always recommend shopping among several of our top mortgage lenders in your area before signing.

Other information about Union Bank in Morrisville VT:

Registered name: Union Bank
Registered city and state: Morrisville, VT, 05661
Regulator: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)

* Source of the data is Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) and is for mortgages originated in the past year. Our comparable mortgages analysis controls for Union Bank in Morrisville VT’s distribution of loan term (e.g. 30 year vs 15 year), loan-to-value (LTV), debt-to-income (DTI), loan amount, loan program (e.g. Conforming/FHA), loan purpose (e.g. purchase/refinance), and commuting zone. Cost adjusted rates were computed based on each percent of the loan amount in above average loan related closing costs being worth +0.15 of a percentage point in interest rate. Furthermore, the amounts are regularized using a Bayesian approach to control for small samples.