Top Mortgage Lenders in Gillette, WY

Which mortgage lender in the Gillette, WY area typically has the best rates? To help you narrow down where to shop for a mortgage, provides an objective and data driven ranking of mortgage lenders operating in the Gillette, WY area by interest rate and market share. We maintain our independence by not accepting any compensation from the mortgage lenders we rank, and use data on all fixed rate mortgages that were closed in the past year to generate our rankings.

Going by historical data, the best mortgage lender in the Gillette, WY area in terms of interest rate is Pinnacle Bank – Wyoming, with an average “Rate Difference” of -0.06%. This means that, comparing similar borrowers, Pinnacle Bank – Wyoming provided a -0.06% lower interest rate for its customers than other lenders in the area. Pinnacle Bank – Wyoming has a market share of 18.5%. On the other hand, the most popular lender in the Gillette, WY area is Bay Equity Home Loans, with a larger market share of 44.7%. Bay Equity Home Loans is an average lender in terms of the interest rate it offers, with a “Rate Difference” of +0.02% compared to those of other lenders in this area.

Our detailed ranking of mortgage lenders in the Gillette, WY area is shown in the table below. In the table, we also give our assessment of whether they are, on average, a cheap/expensive lender through a star rating system. You can choose to tailor our ranking table to a specific mortgage type (Conventional/Jumbo/FHA/VA) and purpose (purchase/refinance) through the drop-down menu. For example, going by historical data, the cheapest lender for Conventional mortgages in Gillette, WY is Pinnacle Bank – Wyoming. If you want to take out a loan that is above conforming limits (above $548,250 or $822,375 depending on the area in 2021), the cheapest Jumbo mortgage provider is Quicken Loans. If on the other hand, you want lower down payment or credit score requirements, the cheapest FHA mortgage provider is Pinnacle Bank – Wyoming. The cheapest VA mortgage provider is Open Mortgage. Note that as a consumer advocate we always recommend shopping among several of our top ranked lenders in order to get the best rates and fees.

Ranking of Mortgage Lenders in Gillette, WY

Mortgage Type:
Lender Name
Rate Difference
Rate Rating
Market Share
Pinnacle Bank – Wyoming-0.06%(4.0)18.49%
First Interstate Bank-0.05%(4.0)13.66%
Bay Equity Home Loans0.02%(3.5)44.75%
Open Mortgage0.02%(3.5)9.03%
Quicken Loans0.05%(3.5)14.08%
Lender Name
Rate Difference
Rate Rating
Market Share
Pinnacle Bank – Wyoming-0.05%(4.0)19.27%
First Interstate Bank-0.04%(3.5)13.15%
Quicken Loans-0.01%(3.5)3.06%
Bay Equity Home Loans0.02%(3.5)54.74%
Open Mortgage0.03%(3.5)9.79%
Lender Name
Rate Difference
Rate Rating
Market Share
Pinnacle Bank – Wyoming-0.09%(4.0)16.78%
First Interstate Bank-0.07%(4.0)14.77%
Open Mortgage0.01%(3.5)7.38%
Bay Equity Home Loans0.01%(3.5)22.82%
Quicken Loans0.06%(3.0)38.26%
Lender Name
Rate Difference
Rate Rating
Market Share
Pinnacle Bank – Wyoming-0.05%(4.0)25.19%
First Interstate Bank-0.05%(4.0)18.52%
Bay Equity Home Loans0.02%(3.5)29.26%
Open Mortgage0.04%(3.5)7.78%
Quicken Loans0.07%(3.0)19.26%
Lender Name
Rate Difference
Rate Rating
Market Share
First Interstate Bank-0.03%(3.5)19.74%
Pinnacle Bank – Wyoming-0.03%(3.5)30.92%
Quicken Loans-0.01%(3.5)5.26%
Bay Equity Home Loans0.03%(3.5)34.21%
Open Mortgage0.05%(3.5)9.87%
Lender Name
Rate Difference
Rate Rating
Market Share
Pinnacle Bank – Wyoming-0.10%(4.0)17.80%
First Interstate Bank-0.08%(4.0)16.95%
Open Mortgage0.01%(3.5)5.08%
Bay Equity Home Loans0.01%(3.5)22.88%
Quicken Loans0.08%(3.0)37.29%
Lender Name
Rate Difference
Rate Rating
Market Share
Pinnacle Bank – Wyoming-0.10%(4.0)8.97%
First Interstate Bank-0.07%(4.0)7.05%
Quicken Loans-0.01%(3.5)6.41%
Bay Equity Home Loans0.02%(3.5)68.59%
Open Mortgage0.03%(3.5)8.97%
Lender Name
Rate Difference
Rate Rating
Market Share
Pinnacle Bank – Wyoming-0.10%(4.0)9.93%
First Interstate Bank-0.08%(4.0)7.09%
Quicken Loans-0.01%(3.5)1.42%
Bay Equity Home Loans0.02%(3.5)73.05%
Open Mortgage0.03%(3.5)8.51%
Lender Name
Rate Difference
Rate Rating
Market Share
First Interstate Bank-0.01%(3.5)6.67%
Quicken Loans-0.00%(3.5)53.33%
Bay Equity Home Loans0.00%(3.5)26.67%
Open Mortgage0.01%(3.5)13.33%
Lender Name
Rate Difference
Rate Rating
Market Share
Quicken Loans0.00%(3.5)33.33%
First Interstate Bank0.00%(3.5)66.67%
Lender Name
Rate Difference
Rate Rating
Market Share
First Interstate Bank0.00%(3.5)100.00%
Lender Name
Rate Difference
Rate Rating
Market Share
Quicken Loans0.00%(3.5)100.00%
Lender Name
Rate Difference
Rate Rating
Market Share
Open Mortgage-0.02%(3.5)17.02%
Pinnacle Bank – Wyoming-0.02%(3.5)12.77%
Quicken Loans-0.01%(3.5)8.51%
First Interstate Bank-0.01%(3.5)4.26%
Bay Equity Home Loans0.01%(3.5)57.45%
Lender Name
Rate Difference
Rate Rating
Market Share
Open Mortgage-0.04%(3.5)15.62%
First Interstate Bank-0.02%(3.5)3.12%
Pinnacle Bank – Wyoming-0.01%(3.5)6.25%
Bay Equity Home Loans0.01%(3.5)75.00%
Lender Name
Rate Difference
Rate Rating
Market Share
Pinnacle Bank – Wyoming-0.02%(3.5)26.67%
Quicken Loans0.00%(3.5)26.67%
Bay Equity Home Loans0.01%(3.5)20.00%
Open Mortgage0.01%(3.5)20.00%
First Interstate Bank0.01%(3.5)6.67%

* Data is compiled for the Gillette, WY commuting zone area, which comprises of counties of Campbell County, WY, Crook County, WY, and Weston County, WY. This includes cities/towns/communities of Gillette, WY as well as Moorcroft, WY, Newcastle, WY, Upton, WY, and Sundance, WY. Lenders must have made at least 30 loans in the area to be included. Source of the data is Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC). Rate Difference (the average difference of interest rates relative to those of other lenders) were computed by subtracting the rate at origination from the average predicted rate conditional on the commuting zone, borrower LTV, DTI, Loan Amount, Loan Type, and Loan Purpose, and then regularized based on a Bayesian approach to account for smaller sample sizes. Above-average mortgage closing costs were then added to the rate difference at a rate of +0.15/point. Star ratings were determined in intervals of 0.10% in rate difference per half star.

Mortgage Lender Rankings in Other Cities

This page contains information about the top mortgage lenders in the Gillette, WY area. For mortgage lender rankings in other cities, click here.